


IRPF-Livre 2023 released

Suitable Online Bank(rupt)ing


The TRApp Trap: Services and Users TRApped in Telescreen-Running Apps

The TRApp Trap

Linux-libre turns 15!

RMS Tour Brazil & Argentina 2017

Events that promote free software

Richard Stallman in Brasil

Access to the Source Code of Imposed Tax Software

kill -9 1
done 2024-09-27 02:01

I'm not saying you're wrong, just missing a point for being too strict in that reading
we don't really need the shit, the horrible-quality goods that the current system wants us to sell us
we do need healthy food, clean water, sustainable clothes and public healthcare. none of this is shit, and we can't really buy any of that. we need a different system to have that. 2024-09-27 01:03

ademir, o da rute? 2024-09-27 00:50

all of the attacks AFAICT have been based on the same kind of intolerant projection. do you wish to pay with credit card, debit card or wire transfer? 2024-09-26 22:51

none of these possibilities were excluded by the initial post. your negative response came across as a mistake out of a too-narrow interpretation 2024-09-26 22:39

RT @artemis Something I hate about the whole "it's a fad to diagnose yourself with ADHD/autism online. People need to stop pathologizing stuff" is that getting insight on how your brain works is power.I consider ADHD to be a disability (it is for me!), but knowing I have ADHD doesn't make me go "woe is me." No, knowing I have ADHD tells me there are real reasons why I struggle in certain areas and changing my perspective on what those struggles are and how they manifest changes... everything. 2024-09-26 22:35

e você tem a mensagens num só dispositivo e não fizer backup da conta, perde tudo, inclusive a conta
e fizer backup da conta, pode ativá-la noutro dipositivo, aí o jami vai buscar os contatos na rede, e as mensagens nos contatos
agora o que eu sugeria além disso, que o Jami (ainda?) não faz:
- backup via rede, automático e cifrado, dos seus dados em contatos que você escolhe, se os contatos aceitarem
- backup de partes da chave usada para cifrar os backups junto a (outros?) contatos escolhidos por você, usando uma técnica que permite recuperar a chave e os dados tendo acesso a M fragmentos quaisquer de um total de N contatos que tenham recebido fragmentos. tipo Erasure Coding, só que reforçado para criptografia, funcionando como cofres com 3 fechaduras, que abrem com 2 chaves quaisquer. 2024-09-26 22:33

Alexandre Oliva 2024-09-23

Neurodiversity and neurodivergence: for greater understanding
Alexandre Oliva 2024-09-23

Alexandre Oliva 2024-09-17

Free Assange!
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FSF disposition
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domingo, no parking
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signing digital documents
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Software Enshittification or Freedom? It's not a hard choice!
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bateria um descontrole
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monstering cults
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Happy GNU Year
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