Re: Posición de Solar hacia FSFLA? (era Re: [Solar-general] Re: Declaración de Caracas)

Martín Olivera martin.olivera en
Lun Ago 3 21:35:00 UTC 2009

El 3 de agosto de 2009 18:21, rafael bonifaz <rafael.bonifaz en>escribió:

> Para llegar a la verdad creo que es importante conocer la historia.
> Pregunté a Federico Heinz sobre el tema de las madres de Mayo y básicamente
> me dijo que lea este hilo para sacar mis propias conclusiones:
> También acá estan los correos entre Federico Heinz y RMS cuando esto
> sucedió:

antes de este mail, Federico Heinz llamó a Vlad di Fiore para cuestionar la
elección de la Universidad de las Madres como un lugar donde hablara
Richard. Asi empezó todo esto, en el 2004:

aclaro que la charla en mares no era la charla principal, era una charla
para los participacntes de la carrera de educacion popular, que contaba con
importantes presencias internacinales de ONGs como la presidenta de Medicos
del Mundo y otras similares, puesto que pensaban adoptar softweare libre

Despues de todo esto, el software libre empezo a ser visto casi como mala
palabra, norteamericano, discrimandor e imperialista por algunos de estos



Vlad and I have been talking about an issue that has arisen with regards
to one of your talks in Buenos Aires.

You may have noticed that one of your talks is scheduled at the
Universidad de las Madres de Plaza de Mayo. You probably have heard
about the Madres, they are a group of mothers of the infamous
"desaparecidos" of our last military dictatorship. As such, they have
gained international recognition for their courage in peacefully
confronting the dictatorship. In Argentina, however, the group is very
controversial. The issue of the "desaparecidos" is a very painful one
for our society, and it stirs very powerful emotions. As a forum, it
leans heavily to the traditional "left", and it is often mistrusted by
people from outside that particular political niche, while it is adored
by those inside.

Speaking at the Universidad de las Madres can (an probably will) be
taken by some people as a political statement in itself. As a matter of
fact, this is already happening: we all know that the free software
movement has wide support from all across the political spectrum, and
some people in the community are already voicing disagreement with the
choice of location, given that other, more "politically ecumenic"
places, such as universities, would be available. I, for one, agree with
them in that, given alternatives, the Madres would not be my first
choice for hosting your talk, just in order to avoid the controversy and
to broaden the spectrum of your potential audience.

In any case, as a local and a friend, I feel that it is my duty to you
to try to raise your awareness about the context of your talk. This way,
at least you won't be caught off-guard by questions from journalists or
from the audience, and you may have a better feel for how the audience
will listen to your talk.



> Estoy leyendo esto para sacar mis propias conclusiones. Haste hace unos
> días yo confiaba prácticamente ciegamente en cualqueir persona que defiena
> el software libre. Ahora me doy cuenta que como en todo hay de los buenos y
> de los malos.
> Saludos,
> rafael
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