[FSFLA] Hyperbola: A fully free, stable, secure, simple, lightweight and long-term distribution
willi uebelherr
willi.uebelherr en riseup.net
Vie Mayo 26 16:51:55 UTC 2017
Am 26/5/2017 um 03:11 schrieb Quiliro:
> ...
> Willi. I agree with you in all the above. Nevertheless, people must work how they like. If they see that in the future they would like to work together, insisting that they do today will not accelerate the process. If they work for libre software or libre hardware (Richard Stallman prefers the name free standard hardware) and not in a team, it is a pity. But if their part is libre, then it is a contribution and I feel the need to cheer those efforts.
Dear Quiliro and all,
we have two extremes in this space.
Many people want support free technology in soft and hard ware. They are
beginners, have not much experience, have no overview in this chaotic space.
There are some people, not much, with a deep inside view in this
technical questions and a big overview in the space.
The consequence like in many thematic areas is to prepare a cooperation
field. Not only think, free technolgy is a space of individulism and
egocentrism. With this attitude we will never break the walls and fences.
Of course, always the space of individual action exist. But we have our
common task to create a stable and transparent operating system, that
people can use and some of them can extend and optimise.
But this is more a coordination process of people in a group like FSFla.
FSFeu or FSFde is not able to help in this activities. But also we have
the hackerspaces, the makelab/fablab spaces. The
Technology/Hardware/Software Libre groups.
It is not, that i say, we should act against ego-actors. I propose to
act for our common needs in a common task. We can bring together the
best results in this time together with the list of instability, confuse
configuration, inoperable filesystem definitions, unpublished hardware
register level. Maybe, we can also create a hardware restricion based on
north/south bridges, grafic devices, peripheral devices. It is not
important, that this system work on every hardware scrap.
We can create a step to an optimal hardware. Based on a strong
verification. And, because we work for the communities, we work also for
the communal infocentros, the common space. In this environment we need
the kernel virtualisation, that people can use her prefered application.
We don't act for a free operating system as a dogma. We act for, because
we need it. That we know, what is going on in the network processing and
cpu processing list. We have to know, what process access the filesystem
and how.
But in the application space, there act other criterions. It is user
oriented. And if people need to use AutoCad or Archicad or any
electronic CAD software, they have to be able to do that.
In general, the hw-virtualisation can help us to separate the process
The other space is the real time capability. This is very important if
we use this operating system in an physical/mechanical process
environment. But the cores are mostly always the same. Our acces and
interactions with network devices, external filesystem devices and other
peripheral data transport devices ist on the low level always the same.
In a private individual environment you will have never this wide
challenges. This we can create only in a group of people, they act in
different environments and bring together her requests and needs.
Or think for an infocentro. Many different people with very different
working styles use this resources. And it is not sure, that they can use
everery day the same computer. What we do?
We can use a live system, clear. But also, we can say, this person use
their personal configuration. And after start the have always the same
desktop and navigation tools, her specific application with her personal
This means, every infocentro use a server, where the people create her
account. And if they act in another infocentro in another city they can
call her configuration and the path to her data. Only that is important.
And, how will a single person do that? It is impossible. This persons
never need it and are not able to create it.
many greetings, willi
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