


IRPF-Livre 2023 released

Suitable Online Bank(rupt)ing


The TRApp Trap: Services and Users TRApped in Telescreen-Running Apps

The TRApp Trap

Linux-libre turns 15!

RMS Tour Brazil & Argentina 2017

Events that promote free software

Richard Stallman in Brasil

Access to the Source Code of Imposed Tax Software

descrição da imagem: marcus majella, fazendo aquela pose de "desviei" do ferdinando, mas com a orelha direita sangrando e vestido todo de laranjado. texto no topo: "DESVIEI", embaixo: "POR POUCO".
entendeu ou quer que desenhe?

descrição da imagem: marcus majella, fazendo aquela pose de "desviei" do ferdinando, mas com a orelha direita sangrando e vestido todo de laranjado. texto no topo: "DESVIEI", embaixo: "POR POUCO".
entendeu ou quer que desenhe? 2024-07-15 03:09

heh. ainda nos tempos de faculdade, lembro de ir com 2 amigos da república a uma pizzaria. pedimos uma pizza. dividimos em 3 e comemos. eu queria mais, eles estavam satisfeitos. resolvi pedir outra e levar o que sobrasse pra casa. só que voltei pra casa de mãos abanando. e nem foi por ajuda dos amigos. virou história na república.
hoje em dia, me limito a meia pizza, com algum esforço, nas raras vezes em que como pizza. 2024-07-15 01:06

dammit, elon, I used to think of the X MEN as a metaphor for neurodivergence and our struggle against discrimination, but you've spoiled it by renaming Twitter

dammit, elon, I used to think of the X MEN as a metaphor for neurodivergence and our struggle against discrimination, but you've spoiled it by renaming Twitter 2024-07-15 00:36

that's an interesting theory
it might even fit with the sense that some people experience throughout their lives, of being a one-person minority, missing some nonverbal language that everyone around seems to be fluent at, thinking in ways that are misunderstood by others, failing to predict others' reactions that others seem to find obvious, while also enjoying some X MEN-unlike superpowers and being surprised upon finding out that others don't... if everyone were so different that everyone could feel like such a minority, missing some bits other have, having some bits other don't, it could be that the notion of typicality and divergence were illusions, that everyone was a minority surrounded by an *apparent* majority
but even if the majority is not uniform, there are very obvious clusters, and thanks for the Internet's broadening of the reach of my personal contacts, I've been able to come across a number of people who are like me in various ways, and who have long had this odd feeling of being like aliens left behind in a strange planet, and also (many more) others who didn't feel that way at all, and didn't even notice it, aside from judging some weirdos here and there. how does your theory explain that clustering around a clear majority, and other clusters of so often discriminated minorities? 2024-07-15 00:35

chato gepeto é uma alusão fabulosa, adorei 2024-07-14 23:48

Free Assange!
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-26

FSF disposition
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-17

domingo, no parking
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-03

signing digital documents
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-01

Software Enshittification or Freedom? It's not a hard choice!
Alexandre Oliva 2024-05-08

bateria um descontrole
Alexandre Oliva 2024-04-25

monstering cults
Alexandre Oliva 2024-03-17

Happy GNU Year
Alexandre Oliva 2023-12-31

Happy GNU Year
Alexandre Oliva 2023-12-31

Happy GNU Year
Alexandre Oliva 2023-12-31

Merry Grav-Mass
Alexandre Oliva 2023-12-24