Top fictional parody websites, and their taglines:
- tedium dot com: a place to read, write and deepen your boredom
- onlyhaters dot com: make your targets pay! for people who love to fsck with others online
- glitter dot com: gays, you're glorious!
- wattsup dot com: simple, secure, reliable global warming
- oogrel dot com: don't be good
- scalpel dot com: sink different
- psychosoft dot com: faking it all makes sense
- hopeinAI dot com: the sure path to an Admiral or General Intelligentsia
- youstupe dot com: cast yourself upon oogrel
- wikipaedoa dot org: the children-friendly encyclopedia
- easy-tangram dot com: nokia-taglining through everyday puzzles
- ticktalk dot com: make your day, bloody suckers
- nuf-lix dot com: gee, what's next?
- transmeta dot com: meet a new me, mates -- Ms Marsha Zuck, CEO
- maizebook dot com: corny fake accounts are your friends
- ciao-honcho dot com: mark my life as read
- snottify dot com: mucus for everyone
- pthreads dot net: say no more, race conditions galore
- ASCII88 dot com: an odious thingy, the sans-serif swastika, the ex in-a-tzitter
- loo-spy dot crapp: social media where it should be
No vulnerable groups are to be harmed in the fun-making of this post.
So blong,