[Team] Profesor del SENA es despedido cuando se niega a instalar software pirata

Richard Stallman rms en gnu.org
Sab Dic 24 01:34:16 UTC 2011

This article exemplifies the misguided values that pervade most
discussion of software.  It assumes that unauthorized copying of
proprietary software is particularly bad.

We firmly reject that idea.

Our position is that the unauthorized copy is bad, not because it is
unauthorized, but because it is proprietary (privativo).  The
authorized copy is worse, because in addition to being privativo, the
developer profits directly from it.

This professor was standing up for a misguided ideal (obeying a law
which is unjust in the first place).  If he had said, "I refuse to
install nonfree software", he would be a hero for freedom.  But since
he said (apparently) "I refuse to install unauthorized copies", he is
a hero for the proprietary software power structure.

How sad to see good idealism wasted on a misguided ideal.

It might be useful for someone tactful to discuss this with him, and
suggest to him that he condemn nonfree software rather than "piracy".
Would someone like to try?

Los que hacen la capacitación actuan muy mal: exigen usar software
privativo.  Sugieren instalar copias autorizadas, luego sugieren
instalar copias no autorizadas.  Ambos promueven la injusticia.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110
www.fsf.org  www.gnu.org
Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
  Use free telephony http://directory.fsf.org/category/tel/

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