[Prensa] 2007-05 GNUsletter

Alexandre Oliva lxoliva en fsfla.org
Dom Abr 22 00:39:46 UTC 2007

So...  It's that time of the month again.  Actually, we're running a
bit late already.

As stated in this month's GNUsletter, we're opening up the process for
participation from anyone interested.  So I must ask: is there anyone

Here are some topics we ought to cover in the 2007-05 GNUsletter.

- constitution approved: the draft we last published was approved and
  has been in effect since April 13, 2007; thank everyone who
  participated in the drafting and translation process, including
  those who sent suggestions we couldn't accept.

- FSFLA has decided to establish a juridic arm in Brazil; now we're
  looking into the legal requirements and processes.

- FISL: thank the organization for offering us a booth; thank Dona
  Ines, Alessandra, Eder and Glauber for helping us run the booth (I
  hope I didn't miss anyone); thank the participants who provided us
  with more than R$6K in donations (more than we spent in the gifts we
  offered in return); thank everyone else who attended our sessions
  and provided encouragement and support for our work.

- FLISOL: thank the organizers for understanding and forgiving the
  unintended tone of our communication last month, and for spreading
  the word about Free Software in spite of all the opposition and
  difficulties; thank all of those who fought for a 100% Free FLISoL,
  lament that apparently we haven't reached that yet, and hope that it
  keeps on pursuing this goal and getting freer each year.

- Enrique Chaparro has (long ago) left FSFLA.

- Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre en Córdoba: FSFLA will endorse
  the event as soon as we get confirmation about the event's public
  commitment to not hold speeches about non-Free Software and to not
  accept sponsorship from opponents of Free Software.

- I'm going to speak at University of São Paulo, Campus Leste (EACH)
  in São Paulo (capital) on May 2nd, and at IV ESLAM, in Manaus,
  Amazonas, on May 25-26.

Would anyone like to draft coverage of any of these topics?

Alexandre Oliva         http://www.lsd.ic.unicamp.br/~oliva/
FSF Latin America Board Member         http://www.fsfla.org/
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   aoliva@{redhat.com, gcc.gnu.org}
Free Software Evangelist  oliva@{lsd.ic.unicamp.br, gnu.org}

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