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[package BR.unicamp.Guarana.SequentialComposerAlgorithms]
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public abstract class BR.unicamp.Guarana.SequentialComposerAlgorithms.WithArrayAndRange
(source file: /home/lsd/oliva/src/java/guarana/kaffe/libraries/extensions/guarana/javalib/BR/unicamp/Guarana/SequentialComposerAlgorithms/WithArrayAndRange.java)
The pure class interface.
public abstract class WithArrayAndRange
extends Composer
- Implements algorithms for Composers like SequentialComposer, that
sequentially request a fixed set of MetaObjects to handle
Operations, Results and Messages, as well as reconfiguration,
configuration, initialize and release requests. It assumes the
array of metaObjects given to each of its Operations is constant.
For each method of MetaObject, this class implements a method
that takes the additional arguments metaObjects,
begin, increment and end. The first is
the array of MetaObjects to which it should delegate the requests.
The first MetaObject that gets the Operation is the one whose
index is begin. Then, increment is added to
begin to compute the index of the next element of the
array, and so on, until the computed index is exactly equal to
end. The element whose index is end is not
processed, but the one whose index is begin is, unless it
is equal to end, in which case no element is processed.
All algorithms are final, to avoid exposing the metaObjects
array of its main subclass, SequentialComposer. This could have
been avoided differently (with final implementations of these
methods in class SequentialComposer itself), but it probably
wasn't worth the trouble, since there's little point in
specializing these methods. They used to be static within
SequentialComposer, after all.
- See also:
- SequentialComposer.


configureArray(Object, Object, MetaObject[], int, int, int)
- Asks each MetaObject to provide a MetaObject to occupy its place
in a new Object's
getMetaObjects(MetaObject[], int, int, int)
- Creates an Enumeration that iterates on the selected MetaObjects
of the given array.
handleMessage(Message, Object, MetaObject[], int, int, int)
- Delegates the Message to the selected metaObjects of the array.
The first MetaObject
handleOperation(Operation, Object, MetaObject[], int, int, int)
- Asks MetaObjects in the given array to handle the Operation
handleResult(Result, Object, MetaObject[], int, int, int)
- Asks MetaObject in the given array to handle the Result
initialize(OperationFactory, Object, MetaObject[], int, int, int)
- Delegates the initialization to all metaObjects.
reconfigureArray(Object, MetaObject, MetaObject, MetaObject[], int, int, int)
- Delegates reconfiguration requests to all metaObjects
release(Object, MetaObject[], int, int, int)
- Delegates the release information to all metaObjects.

public WithArrayAndRange();

protected final Enumeration getMetaObjects(MetaObject[] metaObjects,
int begin,
int increment,
int end);
- Creates an Enumeration that iterates on the selected MetaObjects
of the given array.
- Parameters:
- metaObjects - an array of MetaObjects.
- begin - the index of the first element of the array to be
processed. This is usually 0.
- increment - the value added to an index to compute the
index of the next element to be processed. This is usually 1.
- end - the index of the first element of the array that
should not be processed. This is usually
- Returns:
- the Enumeration.
protected final Result handleOperation(Operation operation,
Object object,
MetaObject[] metaObjects,
int begin,
int increment,
int end);
- Asks MetaObjects in the given array to handle the Operation. If
a MetaObject provides a Result for the Operation (as opposed to
a request to be presented a Result or null), the previous
MetaObjects are asked to handle the Result, through the
invocation of the method to handle results (so even the ones
that asked for no further notice will get the Result). The last
produced Result is returned.
- Parameters:
- operation - the Operation to be delegated to MetaObjects.
- object - the target Object of the Operation.
- metaObjects - an array of MetaObjects.
- begin - the index of the first element of the array to be
processed. This is usually 0.
- increment - the value added to an index to compute the
index of the next element to be processed. This is usually 1.
- end - the index of the first element of the array that
should not be processed. This is usually
- Returns:
- a Result for the Operation, if one was produced by any
MetaObject, or a replacement Operation, if one was produced by
any MetaObject, or a Result request, if any MetaObject asked to
read or modify the Result. If both read and modify requests
were made, a modify request is returned.
- See also:
- handleResult
protected final Result handleResult(Result res,
Object object,
MetaObject[] metaObjects,
int begin,
int increment,
int end);
- Asks MetaObject in the given array to handle the Result. If any
of the MetaObjects returns a valid non-null Result, the returned
Result replaces the one provided, even if the MetaObject had not
requested to modify it.
- Parameters:
- res - the Result to be presented to the MetaObjects.
- object - the target Object of the Operation the Result
refers to.
- metaObjects - an array of MetaObjects.
- begin - the index of the first element of the array to be
processed. This is usually metaObjects.length-1.
- increment - the value added to an index to compute the
index of the next element to be processed. This is usually -1.
- end - the index of the first element of the array that
should not be processed. This is usually -1.
- Returns:
- the last Result returned by a MetaObject, or the original
Result, if every MetaObject returned null.
protected final void handleMessage(Message message,
Object object,
MetaObject[] metaObjects,
int begin,
int increment,
int end);
- Delegates the Message to the selected metaObjects of the array.
The first MetaObject that gets the Operation is the one whose
index is begin. Then, increment is added to
begin to compute the index of the next element of the
array, and so on, until the computed index is exactly equal to
- Parameters:
- message - the Message to be broadcasted.
- object - the Object the Message refers to.
- metaObjects - an array of MetaObjects.
- begin - the index of the first element of the array to be
processed. This is usually 0.
- increment - the value added to an index to compute the
index of the next element to be processed. This is usually 1.
- end - the index of the first element of the array that
should not be processed. This is usually
protected final MetaObject[] configureArray(Object newObject,
Object object,
MetaObject[] metaObjects,
int begin,
int increment,
int end);
- Asks each MetaObject to provide a MetaObject to occupy its place
in a new Object's meta-configuration. If all of them return
themselves, the metaObjects argument is returned. If all of
them return null, return null too. In any other case, a new,
packed array is created, containing the non-null MetaObjects
returned by the elements of the metaObjects array, and this new
array is returned.
- Parameters:
- newObject - the Object MetaObjects should be created for.
- object - the Object whose meta-configuration is being asked
to create the newObject's configuration.
- metaObjects - an array of MetaObjects.
- begin - the index of the first element of the array to be
processed. This is usually 0.
- increment - the value added to an index to compute the
index of the next element to be processed. This is usually 1.
- end - the index of the first element of the array that
should not be processed. This is usually
- Returns:
- a packed array of MetaObjects with the MetaObjects
returned by the ones in the metaObjects array, or null, if all
of them returned null.
protected final MetaObject[] reconfigureArray(Object object,
MetaObject oldMetaObject,
MetaObject newMetaObject,
MetaObject[] metaObjects,
int begin,
int increment,
int end);
- Delegates reconfiguration requests to all metaObjects. If all
of them return themselves, the metaObjects argument is returned.
If all of them return null, return null too. In any other case,
a new, packed array is created, containing the non-null
MetaObjects returned by the elements of the metaObjects array,
and this new array is returned.
- Parameters:
- object - the Object whose meta-configuration should be
- oldMetaObject - that MetaObject that may be replaced.
- newMetaObject - the candidate MetaObject to replace it.
- metaObjects - an array of MetaObjects.
- begin - the index of the first element of the array to be
processed. This is usually 0.
- increment - the value added to an index to compute the
index of the next element to be processed. This is usually 1.
- end - the index of the first element of the array that
should not be processed. This is usually
- Returns:
- the given array of metaObjects, if no changes were
performed, or a new, packed array, if reconfiguration is to take
protected final void initialize(OperationFactory factory,
Object object,
MetaObject[] metaObjects,
int begin,
int increment,
int end);
- Delegates the initialization to all metaObjects.
- Parameters:
- factory - the Operation Factory to be used to create
Operations for that Object.
- object - the Object MetaObjects should become able to handle.
- metaObjects - an array of MetaObjects.
- begin - the index of the first element of the array to be
processed. This is usually 0.
- increment - the value added to an index to compute the
index of the next element to be processed. This is usually 1.
- end - the index of the first element of the array that
should not be processed. This is usually
protected final void release(Object object,
MetaObject[] metaObjects,
int begin,
int increment,
int end);
- Delegates the release information to all metaObjects.
- Parameters:
- object - the Object that should no longer be handled.
- metaObjects - an array of MetaObjects.
- begin - the index of the first element of the array to be
processed. This is usually metaObjects.length-1.
- increment - the value added to an index to compute the
index of the next element to be processed. This is usually -1.
- end - the index of the first element of the array that
should not be processed. This is usually -1.
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[package BR.unicamp.Guarana.SequentialComposerAlgorithms]
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