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[package BR.unicamp.Guarana.SequentialComposerAlgorithms]
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public abstract class BR.unicamp.Guarana.SequentialComposerAlgorithms.WithArray
(source file: /home/lsd/oliva/src/java/guarana/kaffe/libraries/extensions/guarana/javalib/BR/unicamp/Guarana/SequentialComposerAlgorithms/WithArray.java)
The pure class interface.
public abstract class WithArray
extends WithArrayAndRange
- Implements algorithms for Composers like SequentialComposer, that
sequentially request a fixed set of MetaObjects to handle
Operations, Results and Messages, as well as reconfiguration,
configuration, initialize and release requests. It assumes the
array of metaObjects given to each of its Operations is constant.
For each method of MetaObject, this class implements a method
that takes the additional argument metaObjects, the array of
MetaObjects to which it should delegate the requests. Each such
method invokes the corresponding method with the additional
arguments begin, increment and range, implemented in the class
WithArrayAndRange. Begin and end are such that the full array is
iterated on, and increment is -1 for handleResult and release, and
+1 for all other methods.
All algorithms are final, to avoid exposing the metaObjects
array of its main subclass, SequentialComposer. This could have
been avoided differently (with final implementations of these
methods in class SequentialComposer itself), but it probably
wasn't worth the trouble, since there's little point in
specializing these methods. They used to be static within
SequentialComposer, after all.
- See also:
- SequentialComposer.


- Invokes composerForArrayWithPolicies
composerForArrayWithPolicies(MetaObject[], boolean, boolean, boolean)
- This method is invoked from composerForArray
composerForConfigure(Object, Object, MetaObject[])
- Invokes composerForArray
composerForReconfigure(Object, MetaObject, MetaObject, MetaObject[])
- Invokes composerForArray
configure(Object, Object, MetaObject[])
- Invokes configureArray and composerForConfigure to determine the
MetaObject to be
configureArray(Object, Object, MetaObject[])
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
handleMessage(Message, Object, MetaObject[])
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
handleOperation(Operation, Object, MetaObject[])
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
handleResult(Result, Object, MetaObject[])
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
initialize(OperationFactory, Object, MetaObject[])
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
- Invoked by composerForArrayWithPolicies, it should create a new
Composer that delegates
reconfigure(Object, MetaObject, MetaObject, MetaObject[])
- Invokes reconfigureArray and composerForReconfigure to determine
the MetaObject to be
reconfigureArray(Object, MetaObject, MetaObject, MetaObject[])
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
release(Object, MetaObject[])
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.

public WithArray();

protected final Enumeration getMetaObjects(MetaObject[] metaObjects);
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
- See also:
- getMetaObjects
protected final Result handleOperation(Operation operation,
Object object,
MetaObject[] metaObjects);
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
- See also:
- handleOperation
protected final Result handleResult(Result res,
Object object,
MetaObject[] metaObjects);
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
- See also:
- handleResult
protected final void handleMessage(Message message,
Object object,
MetaObject[] metaObjects);
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
- See also:
- handleMessage
protected final MetaObject[] configureArray(Object newObject,
Object object,
MetaObject[] metaObjects);
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
- See also:
- configureArray
protected MetaObject configure(Object newObject,
Object object,
MetaObject[] metaObjects);
- Invokes configureArray and composerForConfigure to determine the
MetaObject to be returned.
- See also:
- configure, composerForConfigure
protected final MetaObject[] reconfigureArray(Object object,
MetaObject oldMetaObject,
MetaObject newMetaObject,
MetaObject[] metaObjects);
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
- See also:
- reconfigureArray
protected synchronized MetaObject reconfigure(Object object,
MetaObject oldMetaObject,
MetaObject newMetaObject,
MetaObject[] metaObjects);
- Invokes reconfigureArray and composerForReconfigure to determine
the MetaObject to be returned.
It is worth noting that this implementation disregards
requests to reconfigure itself, i.e., with oldMetaObject ==
this or null, blindly passing them on to
components. Subclasses should take care of such
reconfigurations, if appropriate.
- See also:
- reconfigureArray, composerForReconfigure
protected final void initialize(OperationFactory factory,
Object object,
MetaObject[] metaObjects);
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
- See also:
- initialize
protected final void release(Object object,
MetaObject[] metaObjects);
- Invokes the corresponding method that takes a range.
- See also:
- release
protected MetaObject composerForConfigure(Object newObject,
Object object,
MetaObject[] metaObjects);
- Invokes composerForArray. This method is called from configure
after the new array of metaObjects is determined.
Overriders of this method may invoke
composerForArrayWithPolicies directly, with policies different
from the default.
- Parameters:
- newObject - the Object for which a new Composer should be
provided. Unused in the current implementation. It may be
useful for subclasses.
- object - the Object whose meta-configuration is being
requested to create the newObject's meta-configuration. Unused
in the current implementation. It may be useful for
- metaObjects - the array of MetaObjects determined by the
configure process (possibly null).
- See also:
- composerForArray, configure
protected MetaObject composerForReconfigure(Object object,
MetaObject oldMetaObject,
MetaObject newMetaObject,
MetaObject[] metaObjects);
- Invokes composerForArray. This method is called from configure
after the new array of metaObjects is determined.
Overriders of this method may invoke
composerForArrayWithPolicies directly, with policies different
from the default.
- Parameters:
- object - the Object whose meta-configuration is being
modified. Unused in the current implementation. It may be
useful for subclasses.
- oldMetaObject - the MetaObject to be replaced. Unused in
the current implementation. It may be useful for subclasses.
- newMetaObject - the MetaObject to replace it. Unused in
the current implementation. It may be useful for subclasses.
- metaObjects - the array of MetaObjects determined by the
reconfigure process (possibly null).
- See also:
- composerForArray, reconfigure
protected MetaObject composerForArray(MetaObject[] metaObjects);
- Invokes composerForArrayWithPolicies. This method is called
from composerForConfigure and composerForReconfigure.
Overriders of this method may invoke
composerForArrayWithPolicies directly, with policies different
from the default.
- Parameters:
- metaObjects - the array of MetaObjects determined by the
configure or reconfigure process (possibly null).
- Returns:
- a MetaObject (typically a Composer) that delegates to
the given metaObjects.
- See also:
- composerForArrayWithPolicies, composerForConfigure, composerForReconfigure
protected MetaObject composerForArrayWithPolicies(MetaObject[] metaObjects,
boolean may_propagate_itself,
boolean may_leave_when_empty,
boolean may_leave_when_unitary);
- This method is invoked from composerForArray. It uses
newComposer to create the new Composer, when appropriate.
- Parameters:
- metaObjects - the array of MetaObjects determined by the
configure or reconfigure process (possibly null).
- may_propagate_itself - indicates whether this method should
return this if the given array is exactly the one the
Composer delegates to. Enabling this is useful for
reconfigurations that don't change any MetaObject, but, in some
cases, it should be disabled for configurations. This test is
not implemented in this abstract class, since it can't tell what
the original array is, but subclasses are encouraged to
implement it.
- may_leave_when_empty - indicates whether this method should
return null when it gets a null array, or an
array with length 0. If the argument is false, a new
Composer will be created with an array of length zero.
- may_leave_when_unitary - indicates whether this method
should return the only element of the array, when it finds the
array is unitary. If the argument is false, a new
Composer will be created with the unitary array.
- Returns:
- a MetaObject (typically a Composer) that delegates to
the given metaObjects.
- See also:
- composerForArray, composerForConfigure, composerForReconfigure, newComposer
protected abstract MetaObject newComposer(MetaObject[] metaObjects);
- Invoked by composerForArrayWithPolicies, it should create a new
Composer that delegates to the given array of metaObjects.
- Parameters:
- metaObjects - the set of MetaObjects the new Composer
should delegate to.
- Returns:
- the new Composer.
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[package BR.unicamp.Guarana.SequentialComposerAlgorithms]
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